RiskOpsAI GHG Emissions Calculator

Get an estimate of your Current GHG Emissions and comparison with your National and Industry Average

Tell us a little about you
Your Annual Revenue ($, Bn) *
Number of people in your organization *
Your Industry *
Your Country *
RiskOpsAI can support reduction in your GHG Emission levels by 5% Year-on-Year in line with the US goal of 40% emission reduction by 2030. Please share your contact details for a demo.
1. Based on GHG Emission Factors Hub published by United States Environment Protection Agency, April 2022.
2. Based on Carbon Taxes announced by respective countries, where applicable.
3. Based on the Our World in Data CO2 Database 2020.
4. Based on Global GHG Emissions by sector, World Resources Institute, and Sector sizes in public domain.

How well do you compare!

Please select your Country to compare with National Average.
Your country average3 is 0 Tons of CO2 per person per annum.
Your GHG Emission are estimated around 0 Tons of CO2 per person per annum.
Please select your Industry to compare with Industry Average.
Your industry average4 is 0 Mn Tons per Billion Dollar in revenue.
Your GHG Emissions are estimated around 0 Tons per Billion Dollar in revenue.
Please provide us following information about your operations
Ton-Miles ?
Ton-Miles ?
Private Transport
Public Transport
Passenger - Miles ?
Your estimated GHG Emission1 is
Tons of CO2 per annum
Your estimated Carbon Tax2 is
Not Applicable
$ per annum
OptimEyes can support reduction in your GHG Emission levels by 5% Year-on-Year in line with the US goal of 40% emission reduction by 2030. Please share your contact details for a demo.
1. Based on GHG Emission Factors Hub published by United States Environment Protection Agency, April 2022.
2. Based on Carbon Taxes announced by respective countries, where applicable.
3. Based on the Our World in Data CO2 Database 2020.
4. Based on Global GHG Emissions by sector, World Resources Institute, and Sector sizes in public domain.

How well do you compare !

Please select your Country to compare with National Average
Your country average3 is 0 Tons of CO2 per person per annum.
Your GHG Emission are estimated around 0 Tons of CO2 per person per annum.
Please select your Industry to compare with Industry Average
Your industry average4 is 0 Mn Tons per Billion Dollar in revenue.
Your GHG Emissions are estimated around 0 Tons per Billion Dollar in revenue.
The current Global Average GHG Emission is 4.62 Tons of CO2 per person per annum. To arrest 2oC rise in Global temperatures by 2050,
the average global carbon footprint needs to drop under 2 tons per person per annum.
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