Technology Risk Modeling for CIOs

Enabling Digital Transformation
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Create Your Personalized Dashboard – Free Risk Assessment

Support and Execute Business Goals

Objective Insight to Enterprise Risk

A CIO’s ability to execute an enterprise-wide technology strategy with appropriate protections can be challenging when faced with business unit silos and a decentralized approach to risk management.

With automated data ingestion and on-demand characterization of risk, RiskOpsAI AI/ML-driven risk modeling creates a single pane view of risk, helping CIOs to align technology investment with protecting business goals.

Icons of a PC, computer server and data with an arrow pointing to the OptimEyes shield logo
3d digital risk management

Intelligent Decisioning for CIOs

Multi-Sourced – Interactive – Unparalleled Insight

Incomplete and infrequent collection and analysis of enterprise risk data can impede a CIO’s ability to make informed technology investment decisions that support risk management, regulatory compliance and ESG risk.

RiskOpsAI neuroscience-based dashboard analytics create a near real-time view of the potential impact of business risk. A multi-dimensional view of critical risk factors provides insight to underlying causes and effects, supporting more informed infrastructure decision-making.

Intelligent Decisioning for CIOs

Multi-Sourced – Interactive – Unparalleled Insight

Incomplete and infrequent collection and analysis of enterprise risk data can impede a CIO’s ability to make informed technology investment decisions that support risk management, regulatory compliance and ESG risk.

​RiskOpsAI neuroscience-based dashboard analytics create a near real-time view of the potential impact of business risk. A multi-dimensional view of critical risk factors provides insight to underlying causes and effects, supporting more informed infrastructure decision-making.

3 d digital risk managemnt

Reduce Risk in the Technology Ecosystem

Gain a Competitive Advantage

Identifying blind spots and reducing complexity across the digital ecosystem is key to understanding potential risk exposure across an organization’s systems and technology.

​RiskOpsAI near real-time risk modeling identifies technology blind spots, enabling tactical decision-making to support systems rationalization and upgrading. Over time, the ability to track a reduction in risk exposure supports the organization’s drive for a competitive advantage.

Person touching digital globe with icons
two risk management charts

Agile Decisioning in Digital Transformation

Informed Allocation of Risk Remediation Costs

Managing a rapidly changing risk landscape puts strain on a CIO’s ability to budget and execute a cost-effective technology strategy.

By connecting business risk to cyber risk to asset risk, RiskOpsAI’ risk scenario planning supports informed allocation of risk mitigation costs to technology investment, insurance and/or risk acceptance. More informed decision-making generates potential efficiency across the CIO’s sphere of responsibility.

Agile Decisioning in Digital Transformation

Informed Allocation of Risk Remediation Costs

Managing a rapidly changing risk landscape puts strain on a CIO’s ability to budget and execute a cost-effective technology strategy.

By connecting business risk to cyber risk to asset risk, ​RiskOpsAI’ risk scenario planning supports informed allocation of risk mitigation costs to technology investment, insurance and/or risk acceptance. More informed decision-making generates potential efficiency across the CIO’s sphere of responsibility.

two enterprise risk management charts

Use Cases

Digital Transformation

Aggregating and integrating IT risk data from multiple sources to create a Single Source of Truth™ is a risk management imperative for CIOs when seeking to identify blind spots and reducing complexity across the digital ecosystem. A near real-time view of the potential impact of IT vulnerabilities is key to understanding potential risk exposure across an organization’s systems and technology.

​RiskOpsAI Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) is an automated, AI/ML Monte Carlo-Proportional Distribution Simulator that includes continuous risk assessments, risk quantification and risk prioritization (including scenario planning).

Using ​RiskOpsAI AI/ML enriched data reduces human touch points and the skills necessary to generate meaningful analytics for CIO tactical decision-making to support systems rationalization and digital transformation. Over time, the ability to track a reduction in risk exposure supports the organization’s drive for a competitive advantage.

Third Party Supplier Risk

Consolidating third party supplier risk data into a single platform is a prerequisite to making more informed cybersecurity risk mitigation decisions.  By eliminating data blind across your supplier population and ingesting cyber risk data in near real time, a more transparent and intuitive picture of your overall supplier risk profile will emerge.

Identifying the suppliers that pose most risk to your organization provides a logical approach to managing and reducing your overall supplier risk profile.  Focusing on risk prioritization using an AI/ML Monte Carlo-Proportional Distribution Simulator to stack rank you suppliers by risk type, risk severity, location and business line puts you on the front foot when making cyber risk mitigation decisions.

Improving your overall supplier risk governance with Intuitive persona-based dashboard visualization provides an essential connection between your supplier risk exposure and its potential impact on your business goals and objectives.

Discover the Benefits

Create Your Personalized Dashboard – Free Risk Assessment

CIO Bridge from IT and Business

Bringing Cyber Security as a Function of Business

Aligning IT, cybersecurity and business functions is a top priority for CIOs. Driving risk mitigation through infrastructure investment is critical for the business to achieve its goals and objectives.
Hong Kong downtown China financial district skyline with connected buildings through network
Identify infrastructure weaknesses to minimize business disruption.
Understand systems risk by location and business unit to prioritize risk remediation.
Visualize technology weaknesses with intuitive dashboards to make better mitigation decisions.

See for Yourself

Discover how leading brands are using ​RiskOpsAI to achieve business goals with our Risk Visualization Platform
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